Pine Creek Environmental Permitting
The project involved wetland/waterway permitting and WEPA documentation for removing PCB-impacted sediments and soils from 4.1 miles of Pine Creek, located nearby New Holstein, Calumet County, Wisconsin to improve the health of the aquatic community. The project is the third of four sections to undergo remediation, which requires excavating the stream channel and overbank areas and will impact approximately 45% of the existing stream and aquatic and riparian vegetation. An environmental analysis was performed in accordance with NR 150, Wisconsin Administrative Code, and the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) to evaluate impacts on physical, biological, and cultural resources. Marek Landscaping prepared the environmental analysis, coordinated an archaeological & historical survey through approval with the Wisconsin State Historical Society, assisted with coordinating the habitat surveys for endangered species, led permitting efforts with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, led meetings to discuss permitting and design strategy between the regulatory agencies, the client, and the design team, prepared the Ch. 30 & Section 404 joint permits, assisted with the Incidental Take Authorization process for State of Wisconsin Threatened fish species, and participated in the WDNR public informational hearing.